Integral Immortality
It is a promise! When will it be a material fact?
By immortality is meant the consciousness which is beyond birth and death, beyond the chain of cause and effect, beyond all bondage and limitation, free, blissful, self-existent in conscious-being, the consciousness of the Lord, of the supreme Purusha, of Sachchidananda.
Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad: II. Knowledge and Ignorance
Immortality in its fundamental sense does not mean merely some kind of personal survival of the bodily death; we are immortal by the eternity of our self-existence without beginning or end, beyond the whole succession of physical births and deaths through which we pass, beyond the alternations of our existence in this and other worlds: the spirit's timeless existence is the true immortality.
Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine - II: Out of the Sevenfold Ignorance towards the Sevenfold Knowledge
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